Golden Ticket for Investors: How to Obtain a Golden Visa?

Portuguese Golden Visa Lawyers

Are you an investor who wants to live in Europe and move freely throughout the continent without borders or restrictions? Obtaining a Portugal Golden Passport may be the solution you seek! Portugal has modified its criteria to make getting a residence visa easier for non-EU nationals based on investment. Through the Portuguese Golden Visa program, you can obtain residence that allows you to live, work, study, and travel in any European Union country. When looking for a Portugal golden visa lawyer, look for someone who has worked with investor visas before and has a track record of success. AmLaw Group is an immigration law firm in the U.S. that is actively involved in and knowledgeable about the Portuguese Golden Visa program. Thousands of people and families, particularly investors, have benefited from their immigration lawyers and golden passport attorneys’ assistance in obtaining residency and citizenship through investment. Contact our Golden visa lawyer to know the process on how to obtain a Golden visa and get started on your investor visa petition.  

Why do I need a Golden Visa Lawyer in Florida?

A business and investment visa lawyer in Florida can assist you if you seek an investment visa. It might be tough and complex to be a green card holder that allows you to do business and invest in Portugal. Some people even spend years going over all of the immigration laws. As a result, finding the correct visa attorney to fit your needs is critical. You are not on your own regarding the business and investment process. AmLaw Group’s skilled immigration attorneys can get started on your application and assist you in expediting your business immigration as soon as possible.

What is a Golden Visa?

how to obtain a golden visaA Golden Visa is an immigration policy that allows wealthy people to obtain a residence permit or even citizenship in another nation by acquiring a home there or making a significant investment or donation. It allows the bearer to live, work, study, or retire in European countries without looking for a job. If you want to receive a Golden visa, you must invest a significant amount of money. The amount of money you must invest in qualifying for a Golden Visa varies per country. Some countries, such as Spain, Portugal, and Greece, grant residency in exchange for investments in real estate, businesses, government bonds, or specific industries. In these circumstances, the amount of money needed for investments is usually less than €500,000.  

Golden Visas are not all the same.

Not all Golden Visas are the same. Citizenship by Investment is available in some Golden Visas, while Residence by Investment is available in others. The Golden Visa is sometimes used as a second passport or travel card because it may grant admission to places where a person’s citizenship passport does not. Certain Golden Visa Cards (non-passports) grant travel privileges, such as the Portugal Golden Visa, enabling travel across the Schengen Zone/Area.

How to be eligible for a Portuguese Golden Visa?

Investment choices for the Portuguese Golden Visa start at €250,000. After just five years, Golden Visa holders can seek permanent residency and citizenship. You must make one of the following investments to be eligible for the Portuguese Golden Visa:
  • Purchase a property worth at least €500,000.
  • Purchase real estate worth at least €350,000 in an urban redevelopment area that is at least 30 years old.
  • Transfer at least €1 million in capital.
  • Make at least ten job openings.
  • At least €350,000 should be invested in scientific research.
  • At least €250,000 should be invested in arts, culture, and heritage.
  • Invest at least €500,000 in a small or medium-sized enterprise.

Portuguese Golden Visa Requirements 

Applicants can select from one of three options: money transfer, property acquisition, or business:

Capital transfer

Choose one of the following:
  • Minimum capital transfer into a Portuguese bank account of € 1.5 million or approved investments
  • € 500,000 for the purchase of investment fund or venture capital fund units dedicated to capitalizing companies incorporated under Portuguese law, with a minimum five-year maturity and at least 60% of the investment portfolio in businesses with a registered office in the national territory.
  • € 500,000 for public or private enterprises that are part of the national science and technology system to conduct research. (€ 400,000 in an area with a low population density)
  • € 250,000 towards artistic production or the restoration or preservation of national cultural heritage. (€ 200,000 in an area with a low population density)

Property acquisition

Choose one of the following:
  • Real estate purchases must be at least € 500,000. Residential property is limited to designated interior areas. (€ 400,000 in an area with a low population density)
  • Minimum real estate purchase of € 350,000, including renovation costs, for residential properties older than 30 years or in an urban redevelopment region. Residential property is limited to designated interior areas. (€ 280,000 in an area with a low population density)


Choose one of the following:
  • At least ten new jobs must be created. (Eight new jobs in a location with a low population density)
  • € 500,000 for creating or maintaining a minimum of five long-term jobs over three years by incorporating or increasing the company’s share capital registered in Portugal.
A low population density area is classified as having fewer than 100 people per square kilometer or having a GDP per capita that is less than 75% of the national average.  

Procedures and timelines for the Golden Residence Permit Program in Portugal

During the application period for the Portugal Golden Residence Permit, the principal candidate must make two trips to Portugal:
  • To select an eligible investment, begin the legal process, and establish a bank account.
  • To give biometric information as well as original papers.
After receiving the residence permit, the customer must give biometric data and current original documents at every renewal.  Obtaining a Portuguese resident permit via investment takes more than six months.  

What are the benefits of having a Golden Passport in Portugal?

  • The investment possibilities begin at €250,000.
  • You only need to spend two weeks in Portugal each year to keep your visa.
  • After five years, you can seek citizenship without having to live in Portugal. However, citizenship requires ties to Portugal and language acquisition.
  • You and your family will be able to freely travel throughout the Schengen Zone.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Golden Visas

Is it Possible to Obtain Permanent Residence in the EU Through Investment?

After five years of living in an EU country, you can obtain permanent residency through investment. Most permanent residency permits are automatically renewed, though some details may vary depending on the issuing nation. You will need to renew your residence permit but not apply for a new one, as you would with an ID card. Certain nations, such as Portugal, have no minimum stay restrictions for permanent residency.

Is it possible to obtain EU citizenship through investment?

If you acquire a Golden Visa, citizenship is not guaranteed. To obtain citizenship in an EU country via a Golden Visa, you must live in that country for a particular period. The conditions for citizenship by investment vary by state, but you should expect to stay in one place for at least ten years. Some countries will grant citizenship after a shorter time (such as seven years in Greece) or even without any residency requirements.

Are Golden Visas a Step Toward Citizenship?

Although a Golden Visa always includes a residency permit, obtaining a passport frequently takes longer. Yes, a Golden Visa can potentially lead to citizenship, but you must first reside in the country for several years.

Is it possible to include family members in a Golden Visa application?

You can bring your dependent relatives with you when you file for a Golden Visa. This includes the spouses, children, and parents who are financially reliant. Everyone listed on the Golden Visa application has the same rights and responsibilities as the principal applicant, including residency, freedom of travel, and other benefits.

Do you need to live in the Golden Visa residence you got?

No, Golden Visa candidates usually are exempt from residency restrictions. You can extend your visa indefinitely as long as you’ve got the investment, like not selling it.

Can I get a Golden Visa if I borrow money to buy a house?

If you used financial aid to buy a residence, you would not be eligible for a Golden Visa. All of the money you invest must be yours. You may, however, be permitted to use finance to pay for amounts over the required minimum. For example, if you buy a property for $500,000, but the Golden Visa requirement is just $300,000, you can pay the first $300,000 in cash and finance the remaining $200,000. Similarly, if you elect to form a joint investment, each partner must put in the minimum amount required. You cannot divide it among yourselves.

How long is a Golden Visa’s validity?

A Golden Visa’s validity is determined by the country that issues it. The validity period usually is 1-2 years, with the option of an indefinite renewal. After 5-10 years of residency in the nation that issued the Visa, you will be eligible for permanent residence and citizenship.

Call our Golden Visa Lawyers Now!

To save time and money while making your investment, it is highly recommended that you seek the assistance of a golden visa attorney. The law in Portugal is complex, especially if you don’t speak the language. It’s a good idea to employ the services of an experienced golden visa attorney from AmLaw Group to guide you on how to obtain a Golden visa and because you’re dealing with such a huge sum of money. Before you complete your investment, our golden visa attorneys may provide guidance, review contracts, and guarantee that everything is legal. We can also help you get the papers you need for your investment and Golden Visa Application.